bee rapture
what is the bee rapture?
where have all the bees gone?
the rapture was never about xians.
only the bad bees remain. and they will probably no longer work for us.
what is the bee rapture?
where have all the bees gone?
the rapture was never about xians.
only the bad bees remain. and they will probably no longer work for us.
Posted by
11:09 PM
the canaries in the mine are evidently safer than the bees in the atmosphere.
Ah, the little bee.
Tireless in it’s work.
It cares not that it is subjugated for man’s benefit.
Cheerfully it pollinates
Willingly it gives up the fruit of its labor
Alas, it was man’s careless actions
Mites imported, spread like pox
Wreaked havoc and destruction
Man, so willing to act in ignorance
We will destroy ourselves
Even as we decimate the bee
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