Thursday, April 12, 2007

forever connecting the dots. Kurt Vonnegut RIP

It is beginning to seem to me that connecting dots is one of the most unproductive ways to spend my time.
not that it does not need to be done, but what to do once enough dots are connected.

standing on a street corner, raising a finger to the stone cold criminal powers that be, will not suffice.
working through the appropriate channels of electing new people to congress is almost as unsatisfying as it is dicey.
there always seems to be a need for compromise of this or that, can't get there from here, and so on.

Now I hear that Kurt Vonnegut is dead.

I hate to even begin to think what a force he was. to me, to my thinking and to my worldview.

In honor of his memory, i will now reread his books. to see if they stand up to time and experience, to see if they still carry the humor, the tragedy, the farce of our human existence. so it goes.
so he goes.
a comet in the cosmos.

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