Monday, March 19, 2007

Vidalia, Georgia – Onions that is

Vidalia, Georgia – Onions that is

By Only Me

When I lived in Washington State the Walla Walla Sweet Onions were top dog and very good onions. Occasionally, we could get Vidalia Onion sets in the early spring and these were even better.

Since moving to Florida, it has been onion paradise as the center of onion heaven is a short distance north of us in Vidalia, Georgia. The last week in April is the annual Vidalia festival celebrating the greatest onion in the lower 48. See: On April 26th they are having an Onion Cook-off and Tasting. They have links to recipes like Vidalia Onion Pie, French Fried Vidalia Onion Rings and so forth.

Amid all the misanthropy, greed, selfishness, and discontent in this tired old world today, things like this can remind us of simple pleasures and social intercourse that make community possible. Just thought I would share some local color.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Refreshing Discovery

Refreshing Discovery

By Only Me

I was in one of my introspective moods today, withdrawn into my self and content to wander aimlessly and somehow ended up in the bookstore. While browsing, I stumbled upon a magazine that I had never seen before, Adbusters; Blueprint for a New Left. Published in Vancouver, British Columbia.

While the slogan “Blueprint for a new left” was a bit much for this Libertarian, the commentary, in most of the articles was refreshing, provocative, and interesting. Advertising in not part of their game so the price is a bit high at $8.00 but worth it.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Billions for Halliburton and Bush’s’ other Friends but Very Little for Injured Veterans

Billions for Halliburton and Bush’s’ other Friends but Very Little for Injured Veterans

By Only Me

Although the problem is presented in the media as if it were just uncovered, under funding of the Department of Veteran Affairs has always been standard practice. Veterans organizations like the DAV, , The Military Order of the Purple Heart, and others were formed largely because no one else would speak up for veterans.

But just like nature, people sometimes do the unexpected. Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), served as Vice Chairman of The United States House of Representatives Standing Committee on Veterans’ Affairs from 1999 to 2001 and Chairman from 2001 to 2004 when he was fired by Speaker Hastert for doing his job.

He fought President Clintons’ FY 2000 veterans budget, which he claimed was $1.1 billion short of what it would cost just to maintain the services currently being provided.


Still, short-fall continued although Chairman Smith fought the political power elite trying to properly fund Veterans needs. The budget deficits were publicly announced but conveniently ignored.

“The recent announcement by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that the department was suffering from a financial shortfall of over $1 billion for fiscal year 2005 came as no surprise to me, many of my colleagues in Congress and numerous Veterans Service Organizations. Former VA Secretary Anthony Principi testified before the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee on February 4, 2004 that the Office of Management and Budget at the White House denied him an additional $1.2 billion in the fiscal year 2005 VA budget, funding that the Secretary deemed essential to provide necessary health care services for our veterans. “
”Throughout the year, in the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee and on the floor of the House of Representatives, my colleagues and I made numerous attempts to provide the VA with the funding Secretary Principi said it needed in the fiscal year 2005 budget and the additional needs recognized by the House Veterans’ Committee. Every last attempt failed on a party-line vote. In fact, when former Veterans’ Committee Chairman Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ) spoke out about the funding shortfall and pushed for increased funding, his leadership not only removed him from his Chairman post, but from the Veterans’ Committee altogether.”


Representative Smith told it like it is, in Washington, when you go against the grain when he said:

"As a result of that vote, my Republican colleagues who joined me lost funding for their district projects, I lost my chairmanship and - worst of all - veterans lost much-needed resources to provide essential medical care."


The publicly acknowledged fraud and theft of billions, in both Afghanistan and Iraq, would have provided much needed essential care for the steady stream of injured being denied the care they deserve.

Caveat: This was not an unbiased Blog.

I am a disabled veteran, who visits a VA Hospital periodically. I see and talk with veterans from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, and increasingly Iraq.

When I first became a VA patient seeing people my age or older in various stages of disrepair was unsettling but not unduly traumatic. Just about when you think you have seen everything some old vet will come wheeling down the hall or into a waiting room and takes your breath away and rips your guts out.

About 3 years ago the younger ones began showing up, men and women. For some reason, a missing leg or arm doesn’t look as bad on an old person as it does a young person. Now they are flooding in and it is becoming more difficult for me to go to the hospital, even though I know that I must.

So a few generals will get sacrificed on the public alter, The guilty bastards hold their hearings, news commentators get to run their mouth in that know-it-all holier than thou arrogant supremacy they cultivate. Then there will be another Anna Nicole in the spotlight while tormented and twisted veterans are left to cope with their broken or missing limbs, destroyed immune systems, cancers, and demons, mostly alone.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Your House, My House, What happened to Investment portfolio?

Your House, My House, What happened to Investment portfolio?

By Only Me

Like a summer thunderstorm the news has been gushing out the last few days, Sub Prime mortgage industry in chaos. Stocks are falling like brick from the twin towers and The NY Stock Exchange has even suspended trading for some.

Big banks that hold tons of worthless paper are worried and bankruptcy looms on the horizon for the mortgage companies in the Sub Prime Market. I read that many are blaming Greenspan for this because of his easy money policy subsequent to the September 11, 2001 bombing of the World Trade Center. In fact he was speaking in Boca Raton, Florida today and said he suspects this housing slowdown will last awhile. He did say the problems were based more on too high prices rather than bad lending practices.

Whatever the cause, the effects have been noted word-wide. The Asia Times has a very interesting article posted today about this subject. So is this the sequel to the 70’s & 80’s Savings and Loan bust that cost taxpayers a bundle? I smell a government bail-Out hold on to your pocketbook ladies & gentlemen. Any bets on who brings up the subject first?

My money is on one of the Presidential wanabes. It will be clothed in the mantle of National Security I’m thinking. Remember the Little Abner musical long time ago? Wasn’t there a song went something like “What’s good for General Bullmose is good for the USA”.

Some links:

The Urge for Control, or the last frontier of freedom

The Urge for Control, or the last frontier of freedom:

by Only Me

“The upper house of the Russian parliament is working on a bill that would regulate Internet content. The Communication Ministry and major Russian dotcoms are cooperating with the parliament in writing the bill, RIA Novosti reported.”


“Radical Islamists are using the Internet to recruit homegrown terrorists in the U.S., Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told a Senate panel yesterday.”


“Internet censorship is spreading rapidly, being practiced by about two dozen countries and applied to a far wider range of online information and applications”


The last few days has produced a flood of news stories about government actions to police the Internet, and limit this last source of free exchange. Naturally this has been going on for several years, but as time progresses they are getting braver and bolder in their control.

The above quotes and links are just a very brief sampling of what is now going on world-wide. Its as if government bodies can’t stand the possibility of people being free of their tax, regulation, or control. I think they are all paranoid.

With the revelation about Google cooperating with China by blocking certain sites, we have learned that other ISP’s have also aided and abetted governments around the world achieve their aims. In fact if you bother to read the privacy rights to just about any site they tell you that they respect your privacy (not necessarily true) except if big brother wants you history, activity log, name, rank, and serial number.

Not much that can be done, and I don’t think it will get better or slow down. There are too many uptight people who are all too egger to give government agencies reason to keep at it. This of course leads to self censorship out of fear. If this interests or concerns here are a few links you might pursue:

But, this only me, the worlds greatest individualist – I mean traffic lights pxxx me off. Have you ever though of the control wielded by those monstrosities. Next time your setting at an intersection with absolutely no traffic in sight, go for it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

the real question

The Boston Globe

60 years of faulty logic
By James Carroll | March 12, 2007

"SIXTY YEARS AGO today, Harry Truman went before a joint session of Congress to announce what became known as the Truman Doctrine. "At the present moment in world history, nearly every nation must choose between alternative ways of life." With that, an era of bipolarity was inaugurated, dividing the world between forces of good and evil.

The speech amounted, as one of Truman's advisers characterized it, to a declaration of religious war. In the transcendent struggle between Moscow and Washington, "nonalignment" was not an option. Truman declared that the United States would actively support "free" people anywhere who were resisting either internal or external threats to that freedom. The "free world" was born, but so, eventually, were disastrous wars in Korea and Vietnam..."

Link to original article

Sunday, March 11, 2007

SINOROVING By Pepe Escobar (Asia Times)

PART 4: The peasant Tiananmen time bomb
By Pepe Escobar

PART 1: The Great Wall of shopping
PART 2: Selling China to the world
PART 3: The hottest label: China chic

"There is chaos under heaven and things could not be better." - Mao Zedong

"The biggest danger to the Party since taking over has been losing touch with the masses." - Hu Jintao

SHANGHAI - Everywhere in developed, urban China - Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou - the message was the same. The next "counterrevolutionary rebellion" - as the Communist Party defined the student uprising in Tiananmen Square in 1989 - if it happens, will be a peasant revolution. Foreign diplomats and Chinese scholars in Beijing or young, urban, 'Net-connected professionals in Guangzhou have told Asia Times Online in unmistakable terms: nobody from the party's "fourth generation" leadership wants to go back to the Maoist model of economic autarky and foreign-policy isolation.

Most of all, however, nobody in the leadership - as well as most influential intellectuals - wants the toppling of the Communist Party by pluralist forces advocating a multi-party democracy: that would amount to, in the words of a Beijing scholar, "an unpredictable, very dangerous destabilization". There's only a slight detail: what 1 billion Chinese peasants will make of all this. Enter Chen Guidi and Wu Chuntao...

Complete article and links at Asia Times. If you are not familiar with this news source, you may want to read more there.

Comments on Michael Specter's Article: Why are Vladimir Putin’s opponents dying?

Credits to the author of the original Post follow:

Letter form Moscow


Why are Vladimir Putin’s opponents dying?


Issue of 2007-01-29
Posted 2007-01-22

My comments begin here:

After reading this article twice I began to put together a few comments of my own, which was not easy. Without writing a book, here is a brief reply:

I do not begin to understand the Russian people. However, the article, I believe, has a common theme. One, which has been increasingly popular for nearly a century and has undergone continual refinement and testing.

That theme is the move toward totalitarian governments, Nazism, if you will. And the basis of Nazism is corporate control of government in the name of power and profit.

To simplify my thoughts, I am using quotes from the article itself, my notes, comments and remarks are in blue. I apologize for wandering, but this subject matter can be complex and wide-spread.

Basis of Russian government:

Lukyanov said, “But through much of the nineties economic decisions in Russia could be taken only after consultation with the I.M.F. and sometimes after the approval of the American Embassy in Moscow. Russia was weak. Russia didn’t know what to do. And today’s greed is a reaction to all of that. To poverty and humiliation. Our official ideology is to make more money.”

This is fairly straight forward and I believe honest as far as it goes. All Russians desire more money, but the few in the power structure define more money much differently than the man on the street as can be seen from other statements in the article.

Are Other Governments All That Different?

And, even if we did not see why, the authorities understood at once: mass media could very easily be manipulated to achieve any goal.

Networks soon became wholly owned by the state or by companies—like Gazprom,

The goal today is simpler: to support the Kremlin and its corporate interests

I had a great Political Science Professor who talked at length about the first necessity of a totalitarian government being control of the mass media. In fact it is impossible without that control. I note with much sadness the unrelenting attack on the Internet by many governments including yours. Do you understand why?

Just look at the effectiveness of American media attacks on individuals over the last few years. Regardless of how you feel about the people destroyed, it was swift, precise, and effective on more than one level. They sacrificed the lamb, deflected the people’s attention, and gave them entertainment at the same time, while leaving the government and its corporate partners to proceed unencumbered and mostly un-noticed.

Television is the only reality in which we exist.’’

Need I say more? However, I would add sports to that statement, our modern gladiators who amuse the masses.

In 1999, after the explosions that terrorized Moscow and provided the rationale for instigating the Second Chechen War, the Kremlin quickly assumed control of essentially all television in Russia and responded harshly to those who tried to resist.

Gee, I hate to sound like a pessimist here but that one has been used by everyone over the years. The battleship Maine, the ocean liner Lusitania, the Sudetenland land, Poland, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, Weapons of mass bullshit. All these events and many many more allowed government the opportunity to manipulate the media for their (and their corporate partners) needs. Footnote: The Spanish American war was largely pushed by Hurst newspapers at first, not American in general or the government. Footnote #2: America has perfected this strategy.

“…self-censorship is worse than any other kind. Journalists know—they can feel—what is allowed and what is not.’’

It is also the most effective, spawned by both indifference and fear. After all look at the examples made of those who exceed the written and unwritten limits established by corporate government: Nazi Germany simply shot or hung them in public, In America they usually just destroy their lives, in Chile it was mass torture and murder. People get the point quickly. Today, we are warned with taunts of being unpatriotic, cut and run liberals, quitters, and of course the big one, sympathetic to the enemy. Its sort of like wife beaters, if this works they move on to step two, isolation and physical brutality, step three, elimination. Russia simply has done away with steps 1 and 2. Then, their people have been conditioned more thoroughly than we have, to date.

In the corporatist, semi-authoritarian structure that Putin has created—

Pravda, asked readers if the country needed its own Pinochet. The overwhelming response was yes

Again, manipulation by the media and corporate marketing interests (America is by far the most sophisticated) people goals and desires are diverted toward consumption at all costs. Forgive me but: I remember when dad worked, mom was there for the kids (to feed, care for and support) and dad got home at a decent time to work in the garden, yard, or go to the kids ball games. We lived in 1000 sq ft homes and required only one car. I don’t mean to belittle women in that statement. What I am trying to show is a result of mass marketing to the extent that it has changed a society, here and in other countries. Things are all important and we will do whatever it takes to get them, even sacrifice our freedom, our family, and our voice, or view Pinochet as acceptable or even desirable. That is everyone except Americans, they wouldn’t know who Pinochet was if he bit them on the ass.

Sick of the lines, the empty shops, and the false promises of Soviet life, Russians looked first to the West—and particularly to the United States—to provide an economic model. What followed was an epic disaster: the sell-off of the state’s most valuable assets made a few dozen people obscenely rich, but the lives of millions of others became far worse. The health-care system fell apart, and so did many of the social-service networks. Russia became the first industrial country ever to experience a sustained fall in life expectancy. Russian males born today can, on average, expect to live to the age of fifty-nine, dying younger than if they were born in Pakistan or Bangladesh. It is not surprising, then, that by the time Putin became President most Russians were only too happy to exchange the metaphysical ideas of free speech and intellectual freedom for the concrete desires of owning a home and a car and possessing a bank account. They also wanted to feel that somebody was in control of their country.

See my rant above. I also believe we are going through the same process right here in America. Bush has nearly bankrupted our country. There will be nothing left of social programs in 10 years, probably sooner. Corporations have already eliminated pensions, are hard at work on health care and taxes.

The Russian government has become bolder and more assertive throughout Putin’s tenure. On New Year’s Day of 2006, Russia abruptly cut gas exports to Ukraine after the government there objected to a sharp rise in the prices charged by Gazprom

Just another tool of Nazi’s to control dissent. Part and parcel to economic sanctions, invasion, and favored nation status. It just takes a different track when aimed at countries rather than individuals or groups. The intent is to humble and eliminate dissent in any form. Dissent doesn’t really bother them but, it’s a pain in the ass.

With thirty per cent of the world’s gas exports, Russia can impose its will for one simple reason. “The entire world is obsessed with energy security and resources

I hate to digress, but why do you think we are in Iraq and Afghanistan and heading towards Syria, and Iran? I have to side track on this one simply because it’s related. Adding some brief quotes from other sources:

By Dana Milbank and Justin Blum

Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, November 16, 2005; Page A01

A White House document shows that executives from big oil companies met with Vice President Cheney's energy task force in 2001 -- something long suspected by environmentalists but denied as recently as last week by industry officials testifying before Congress.

Published in the January 2004 edition of Foreign Policy In Focus

Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy: Procuring the Rest of the World’s Oil

by Michael Klare

When first assuming office in early 2001, President George W. Bush’s top foreign policy priority was not to prevent terrorism or to curb the spread of weapons of mass destruction—or any of the other goals he espoused later that year following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Rather, it was to increase the flow of petroleum from suppliers abroad to U.S. markets. In the months before he became president, the United States had experienced severe oil and natural gas shortages in many parts of the country, along with periodic electrical power blackouts in California. In addition, oil imports rose to more than 50% of total consumption for the first time in history, provoking great anxiety about the security of the country’s long-term energy supply. Bush asserted that addressing the nation’s “energy crisis” was his most important task as president.

This has become THE international game, sort of mine’s bigger than yours, but much more serious and with potentially very dire consequences. Interestingly, it isn’t just multinational corporations who desire this power and wealth through control of natural resources. The public has acquiesced to their goals. See next.

“The majority of the population, they are absolutely happy,” Alexei Volin, who served for three years as deputy chief of staff in Putin’s government and now runs a highly successful publishing house, said when we met in Moscow. “They get more money. Consumption has increased two and a half times in the last six years. People are buying cars, country houses, they are going to big shopping malls—as big as those in the United States.’’ Volin, a trim, clean-cut, forty-three-year-old man dressed in a white button-down shirt and khaki Dockers, smiled. “They are just as happy as they can be,’’ he said. “They don’t have a headache because of some political problem or the concentration of power. They don’t watch TV news. They don’t care.

This remind you of anyone you know, I ask whilst looking in the mirror?

“There is another group,’’ he went on. “They are unhappy, because political life has been frozen. They don’t like the situation with Russian television or the press. Several months ago, I talked to one important Kremlin person and I asked him why is our TV news so awful and dull. And his answer was ‘Why are you watching TV? People like you should go read the Internet if you want information. TV is not for you. It’s for the people. ’ ’’

And so it is, by design, by intent, and in practice.

Polonium 210 is not easy to acquire—at least, not the amount necessary to kill a man. Nearly all of it is produced in Russia. Most people in London, and many in Moscow as well, believe that that organization was the F.S.B. Its members reserve special hatred for those who turn on it, and Litvinenko was a very high-profile traitor. He had accused the Russian President—a member of their secret fraternity—of killing his own citizens to start a war, and he had joined with the forces of Berezovsky. The F.S.B. had the motive, the skills, and the money.

Gee who would dare think that a politician would kill off some of his/her own people just as an excuse to grab unlimited power, implement an invasion of the middle east (it isn’t just Iraq) thereby placing his backers policies into action? Thus the perpetual war draining society of all economic resources save those for the war machine, and of course the rulers.

Since Alexander Litvinenko’s death, there has been much public discussion of what Putin will do next year, when his term concludes. He has promised to step down, but he has also said that he intends to “retain influence,” and people have speculated on the many ways he could do that: as Prime Minister, for example, or as chairman of Gazprom. Nobody knows, perhaps not even Putin. Russia today, and not for the first time, has wagered its well-being on the price of oil, and, as long as salaries continue to rise, people seem untroubled by the future and unwilling to dwell on even the most compelling warnings from the past.

With this last excerpt from the Times, I can finally get to my real thesis. I don’t see all that much difference between governments except the degree that the governed accept their porridge. To one degree or another all governments are marching toward the complete merger of corporate and government interests, which is to say corporate interests. Think about it; the British have embraced Orwellian surveillance in the name of security. Americans meekly surrendered their beloved Constitution, and are now marching toward the national digital ID card demanded by the HSS (that’s Homeland Security Service as opposed to the SS). I know about New Hampshire’s meek but brief protest and that of 5 or 6 other states. They were bought out and rendered irrelevant buy “The Government”. Don’t think that Cheney and Bush will surrender power and influence just because their terms end in 680 days.

The next presidential circus starting a full two years early grantees complete diversion of the media and the sedated, while the lame duck finishes his work.

So how could this happen; especially in America? Well how about this.

Once upon a time there lived a people who had it pretty good. That is until they began to turn over their personal responsibility to “THE GOVERNMENT”. Once they got used to the first big step, giving control of their schools to the government, the rest was easy. Slowly, methodically, unrelentingly the corporate behemoths pushed their employees in government to take bolder and bolder steps to bring their dream into reality.

No way you say. Well, lets look at education as just one example. Do we teach our little children to think critically, to reason, to form their own opinions based upon their own observations? If I am correct in my information, we teach them what to think, to be conformists, and above all not to criticize. Here in Florida, teachers have given up all pretense of teaching except for the FCAT tests that occur yearly. Talk to any student or teacher and all they care about is the FCAT. Jeb’s legacy to his big brother and the No Child Left Behind – which is about as truthful as I have ever seen a federal government decree in years. They want the little kids to grow up in lock step without opinions, or the ability to form one. How did this happen so easily? Here in Florida they used the big stick, FEAR. If a school performs badly, teachers get punished, schools loose money. If a school does well – they are rewarded with more money. That’s a tried and proven carrot anywhere you use it. Employment has been reduced to my way or the highway.

Take a look at any legislative body, a close look. They get elected and there is this big push to pass ever more laws. Its like telling a lie, you have to keep telling lies to cover up the original lie. Do we really need all these laws, laws which do what? By and large, they give the people what they ask for, actually beg for, even pay for, more government control, more government assumption of personal responsibility. I am amazed, that each year as the legislature goes into session every one begins scrambling for more, more, more, like they can’t get enough. Is it any wonder that government ends up with all the power? We begged for them to take it.

So the end result of all my ramblings is that governments everywhere are consolidating power in partnership with corporations who let them stay in power as a reward for their service. Methods may vary, but it’s all just a means to the end, Power and wealth.

What will we talk about today you and I?

Posted on February 10th, 2007 in Iraq, Baghdad, Site News, Team Members.

"When I heard the bomb explode last Saturday the first thing I did was telephone my father. But there was no reply. Again and again and again I tried to phone him. My fingers hurt I stabbed them onto the buttons on my phone so hard. I fell onto the floor and prayed please let him not be dead. Please let it be that he died quick if he is dead.

And my heart was sick inside me.

What will we talk about today you and I? I do not want to talk about last Saturday. Shall we talk about peace? I would like to talk about peace. I love the word. No, perhaps we are not ready to talk of peace yet you and I, we are not at peace, we are not even at truce.

My father is one of the organisers for the men who protect the people in our neighbourhood who have fled here from the death squads. When they go to get food we go to the market with them my father, my brother, myself, some of the men in our neighbourhood.

They do the same for us.

What will we talk about today you and I? I do not want to talk about last Saturday. Shall we talk about peace? I would like to talk about peace. I love the word. No, perhaps we are not ready to talk of peace yet you and I, we are not at peace, we are not even at truce."

voices from another wilderness.

follow this link to

Saturday, March 10, 2007

clever that I thought I was

did a google search on bees, then added rapture for a laugh.
looks like my cleverness is cutting edge, but hardly funny.

the bee rapture looks to me like a metaphor for our times...

Bill Martin

Bill Martin's Concerto for Headphones and Contrabuffoon in Asia Minor

does anyone know if this was ever reissued as a cd?
Artist: Bill Martin
Album: Concerto for Headphones and Contra (Buffoon in Asia Minor)
Year: 1970

1. Introduction
2. Flash Flood, Chapter 1
3. In Which Senator Phoghorne Repudiates the Charges Against Him
4. Flash Flood, Chapter 2
5. In a Fox Hole
6. Flash Flood, Chapter 3
7. One Man's Cosmos
8. Whole Enchilada Marches On
9. Sand, Blasted, Chapter 1
10. El Repugno
11. Sand, Blasted, Chapter 2
12. Oh, Lord, I Rest My Weary Staff
13. Sand, Blasted, Chapter 3
14. Whole Enchilada Marches Off

Friday, March 9, 2007

bee rapture

what is the bee rapture?
where have all the bees gone?
the rapture was never about xians.
only the bad bees remain. and they will probably no longer work for us.

c'est moi!